
À propos de PreOrdained

PreOrdained was formed out an immense love for our Lord and Saviour - Jesus Christ, in order to bring Him glory by walking in our calling.
The Word of God says in Jeremiah 1:5 that He has "ordained" us as prophets unto the nations, and in Matthew 28:19 to "go" and teach all nations.

One of the nations that He has called us to is the youth. Today, our youth has been brought face to face with sex, drugs, alcohol, depression, suicide, even religion among other things that are not of God.

It's time to bring them face to face with a TRUE relationship with Jesus.

For years, people have spoken curses to our generation calling this generation X - but it's time to realize that the X is the next generation of preachers, teachers, evangelists, prophets and apostles.

Our mission is to usher in this generation and to let the Holy Spirit tear down the mindset of the older. WE are a part of the Body and whether it's by music or preaching or teaching - we're after souls.


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PreOrdained Music

user image 2008-02-07
By: PreOrdained
Posted in: PreOrdained Music


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