King David tha Vessel

About King David tha Vessel


The vision ultimately is quite simple: let GOD have HIS way.

It is our goal to continuously set and raise a standard that meets the standard already set for us by the WORD of GOD. There is no need to compromise for success. There is no victory in losing yourself for an achievement whose impact will not be felt, no matter how far reaching.

We will be better simply because we want to be like JESUS, and are willing to do what it takes to get there, and won’t hesitate to exhibit this in both our public and private lives. When you come in contact with pure and uncompromised, it’s either going to drive an individual (and/or what is controlling them) away, or it’s going to welcome them in. The problem is that we’ve failed to yield ourselves initially to these thought and ideals that are not elective, but required.


Please visit the site for more on the Bio


Jesus Christ


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