À propos de DJ Intangibles
Program Director of Holyhiphopradio.com & Christianhiphopradio.com.
DJ Intangibles Top 10 Holy Hip Hop
DJ Intangibles Top 10 Holy Hip Hop From "The Mustardseed Generation Mix Show" Holyhiphopradio . Com & Christianhiphopradio . Com .
1. Piru, Brotha Dre & Dre Beeze
2. Running Man, Barretta the Psalmist
3. Stix, Nobigdyl
4. Human, Edify
5. Big Talk, Anthone Ray
6. Ball Forever, Xay Hill
7. Titan, Dre Beeze & Edify
8. Hearts Cry, Zeno Suave
9. Seasons, Brvndon P & Mission
10. Ride or Die, Reece Lache' & Rey Jose