über B-C

I was born and raised in VA. I thought life was hard there until I moved to Baton Rouge.There I spent some of my poorest, loneliest, coldest winters with no heat, barely maintaining a roof over my head, no food, and no one to talk to. However, I learned to trust God throughout my situations. I have come from being deserted and left by the women I loved, misused by those closest to me, and emotionally abused. Throughout these tough times, God taught me to lean and depend upon Him. He blessed me with the gift of Gospel rap and taught me to perfect that gift. God began to gradually increase my life. I've come from eating my next meal out of the trashcan to being a Blessing to others in need. God has blessed me to the point where I can now be a tremendous Blessing to others both financially and through my music.


T.D. Jakes, Kirk Franklin


vor kurzem bewertet:

B-C: Chasing a Dream

B-C takes hip hop Gospel to an elevated experience with his second album entitled Chasing a Dream.

Some albums demand attention, but occasionally one touches and overwhelms your senses. At a glance this is simply one of the most wildly creative hip hop Gospel music album ever made, glorifying God with a broad array of musical styles and provocative ideas, yet unifying them under a singular artistic vision.

What B-C has come up with is truly a groundbreaking album. Hip hop Gospel seldom gets a chance to proclaim such things. However, on this occasion there can be no doubt, “Chasing A Dream” produced by Aaron (A-1) Williams is a classic which will be enjoyed and wondered at for decades to come. Chasing a Dream is about to rock your world.

B-C’s latest release is one of the most innovative and experimental hip hop gospel projects in recent years. Part of the beauty of this release is B-C's ability to seamlessly blend in more street, hip hop and smooth beats while creating a solid original Christian album from start to finish.
B-C’s second national release, “Chasing A Dream,” released later this year with the first single entitled “Turn The Music Up” will be released to radio on June 26, 2006. Chasing a Dream was recorded and mixed in Baton Rouge LA at the Liquid Records International Recording studios.
Chasing a Dream track list


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